Δευτέρα, Νοεμβρίου 07, 2005

2005 French Riots - Blogs, Photos, Links

Blog Coverage:
No Pasaran!
Sketchy Thoughts
Faeriebell's Blog (Translating French blogs and media)
Little Green Footballs
The Belmont Club
Glenn Reynolds
The Brussels Journal
The Daily Demarche
Michelle Malkin
T. Longren
Jihad Watch
Austin Bay Blog
Captain's Quarters
Outside the Beltway
Daily Pundit
Stalker (French)

Blog Searches:
Technorati - French Riots Paris Jacques Chirac
Google - French Riots Paris Jacques Chirac

Eyewitness Accounts:
Clichy-sous-bois riots: youth accuse the police
Bellum civile ou Civil War in Paris, par Francis Moury
Zero tolerance in Clichy-sous-bois
November 4 : an eyewitness account
Paris Rioting : A Digest of Francophone Blogs
Eyewitness account by Antoine Germa

Yahoo! and News photos of the riot
Reuters' map of the riot's starting point
Pictures from the BBC

Wikipedia - 2005 French Riots Islam in France
Indymedia - Paris (French) UK
BBC News - France's Islamic Heartland
"The Barbarians at the Gates of Paris" Theodore Dalrymple, City Journal, Autumn 2002
"The Fatherland Betrayed by The Republic" by Jean Raspail in Le Figaro magazine (France, June 17, 2004)
"Paris is Burning: Racism and Repression Explode in Week of Uprisings" (indymedia.org)

gada.be - Islam France Paris Europe Riots Sarkozy
Technorati - Islam France Paris Europe Riots Sarkozy

2 σχόλια:

Chaca-Khan είπε...

είμαι πολύ χαρούμενος, περήφανος και ευγνώμον για μερικά blog σαν κ αυτό

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